Thursday, November 11, 2004

Exams Party Time.. again!

Yeeeeeewwwwwww! Exams have begun! No more exams! P-A-R-T-WHY? Because I gottta! I mean that's all I've been doing in the two weeks leading upto today's exam but now I don't have to worry about throwing study into that mix.

3 hour exam this morning was --
I'm not commenting.
Reason: During the HSC trials I said it was SUPER DUPER and the results weren't as good as expected..

Afterwards Craig and I went to
Manly Wharf and watched The Living End play live for a Totally Free MMM Outdoor Garage Session! It was ace! I wasn't very hip with their songs but once I heard them play a few I relised that they play all those really sweeeeet songs ya hear on MMM! The rain held off which was good!

Now there's just partying to do.. actually I need to book a limo for the formal, get a cake make for my birthday party, send out invites to people who expressed interest, and purchase my suit for the formal. Gee.. I better get cracking! Cheeerio!

More photos at: (Page 2 & 3 are my pix)

Tuesday, November 09, 2004

XBOX Party for Halo2 @ Pitt Street Myer!

Chris, Shezz, and I all have Xbox's. But those 2 are the major geeky fans! I'll dust mine off monthly, if I'm bored.

I'm going to try to refrain from making a long

Chris drove us to Roseville Station, we caught a train to Town Hall, walked to a
Gloria Jeans and Chris got his coffee while I ran to Oporto and got a Rappa with extra chili (to make up for the time I had one without chili - which was really distasteful!). I ran back and ate it at GJ's. Whoa! Hottness! Good though :) I got a strawb thickshake w/ Oreo from Mickey D's to cool down my mouth while we walked up Pitt Street to Myer.

All along the way the boys were spotting "Gentlemen's Clubs" while I was trying to get bloody Oreo through 4 straws. We walked upto one of the Clubs and at the door it said "For wheelchair access ring buzzer." lol. Shezz wanted to ring it. Then about 100m from Pitt Street Mall I saw a
Krispy Kreme (KKDs) marquee and squealed. The other 2 couldn't see it yet. But I have good eyes for these things. We entered the line to buy the game because Chris was going to get it. The line was soo short, which surprised me. I guessed it would get bigger throughout the night. Nevertheless I went for a walk in search of a Virgin pre-paid mobile simcard starter kit.. thing. Went to various 7-11's (soo many of them in the city!) and finally found one. I raced back to the line and there was only 2 more people in it since I'd left.

Throughout the night there was lotsa of entertainment outside
Myer. Heaps of personalities from Nova969 where there; Rabbit, Bianca, The Casanova's. Breakdancers, fire breathers, Xbox cheerleaders (guys were fanatic about them), etc. There was also this guy in the line, just infront of us, whom (from the beginning) I was sus about. He kept looking at what I was doing; setting up my new sim to send some 5cent msgs. I had soo much precious stuff on me (ie. autograph book, cash, camera, phone, walkie talkies, etc) I didn't want him to even think of knicking it. This guy was into getting a million of every free thing there was, as was I and everyone else, and his backpack was getting heaps full. He ended up being no threat to us, he kept cracking jokes. So he was ok, but I remained sus (I'm weird).

We got tonnes of free
Xbox and Halo2 merchandise; everyone was wearing the caps, shirts, and light-up necklaces. Free KKDs, water, Coke (I don't like), and lil noodle things (don't like unknown foods) to keep us happy. There was a big clock which was being continuously watched by Gus (the guy at the front of the line - He was cool!). Rabbit held some fun competitions at the front of the line area.

Regurgitator and Evermore were occationally shown setting up inside for there performances which began at midnight; when Halo 2 went on sale.

Midnight came, we all went inside in an orderly fashion, I stopped a few metres before the register because I didn't want to buy it and I wanted to watch the bands. I hadn't seen 'The Gurge' live before. The were pretty good.. bit loud for the inside of a Myer store. So I waited where all the celebs and other band watchers (they came in after the initial rush of game buyers because they were in a different line) were while Chris bought his game (Shezz stayed with him). I waited for a while but they didn't come out. I got a call. They'd gone out a different exit. I watched the band for a lil bit more and then proceeded out to where they were. They both looked like twins; Halo 2 shirts on, backpacks on, caps on, lol.. the works. Shezz didn't even buy the game and he got a backpack (cos he had an orange band from when they were giving them out in the queue to people who were planning to buy the game) with loads more Halo 2/Xbox stuff in it. Which got me thinking.. I'm such a DUFFER! I go to these events all the time! Why didn't I just lie and get an orange armband thing too?!?! DOH!

Anywho.. who cares I don't really want to be promoting how much of a video game geek I am.

Blah blah blah.. trains weren't working.. had to get a bus to Nth Sydney.. then trains weren't working there either - it was about 12:30am - We ended up getting a Silver Service (they're the same price as normal taxis so don't ask the drivers, it makes them a bit cranky) which was soo nice to travel in; new
Holden Statesman Caprice. Same price so I'm never getting a crappy normal taxi (if I EVER catch a taxi) again.

Got back to Roseville Station minus $10 from my pocket and $12 from Chris'. Shezz didn't bring any cash. What does he think? The city's free? Please! Go there more often people. If you don't you'll never appriciate the place you live. Most of Sydney is amazing! Yeah.. blah blah

Lastly we went past Shezz's.. I thought we were dropping him off, but he was going to get another Xbox controller to play Halo 2 at Chris' house. Then Chris was about to turn a corner which would be going away from the direction of my house and I said "Uhh wouldn't going straight be better?" He went straight and then explained how he thought I was coming to play the new game - it was now about 1:30am - back at his place. I told him I never knew that was in the plan and I was wayy too tired to do anything but sleep.

I went home.. and went to bed.. which is what I'm going to do now (after a shower); must be awake while I study more for my Geography HSC exam occuring on Thursday. Wish me luck. :)

So much for a short post. My life's long already.

Sunday, November 07, 2004

Happy Sweeter 17th Sarah!

"SUPER DUPER!" - Ron Burgundy

"Neato!" - Ron Burgundy

"That's great!" - Ron Burgundy

He sure knows what he's talking about that guy! (Brick sure doesn't though! haha)
If you're sweet when you're 16 then at 17 the sweetness must be sweeter? Right? Right!

Happy Birthday sweetness.

Have a wonderful day with the scent of Britney.. hehe

The Matrix Internet Revolutions

I appologise for this entry if your humour isn't in gear today. Mine is (once again). And I just can't help myself. The following conversations arose after various people read the e-mail "Regarding: Current "Gay" Rumour (<------with a "u")".

Warning: If you plan to read the following make sure you have your sense of humour with you! Do not take anything to heart and just laugh! I did!

Convo 1:

Ash S and Derek S -
Ash: hey
Derek: Goooooooood afternoon hun!
Ash: u and ur friends r so weird. u like have internet fights. whats witht hoes emial about chris being gay? u confuse me
Derek: HAahAHAHHAah
Derek: nothing.. just pure humour!
Derek: Don't worry.. u didn't catch wind of it I don't think so just laugh at our crazynes and move on.. lol
Ash: but it seirously is crazy.. he wrote this hectic mature long homosexual message and u write this crazy weird one back.. but .. is the whole hting a joke? or was he actually serious
Derek: joke.. lol
Ash: so the romour wasnt spread?
Derek: I love peoples reactions to it though!
Derek: lol.. not really.. well not to u or hardly anyone else he sent the e-mail to..
there were just a few people on the net who it was between.
Ash: why did he tell the world? its weird... why wouldnt he call u and just tel u to shupup.. computer nerd hhaha jk.
Ash: hows exams
Derek: AHAHahahAHah.. I love your insight!
Ash: thanks:)
Derek: he soo turned it back on himself!
Ash: but i dont even know the boy. why would he ramble on to me bout how gay he is...
Ash: or isnt.
Derek: HAHAHhaAHAHah
Derek: Do u mind if I use parts of this convo for my blog? (
Ash: no its alright

Notes: "he" is Chris. As you can see I ask permission to publish these very private conversations.

As you can see many people did not know anything about this crap and thus things got quite blown out of porportion.

Convo 2:

and Derek S. -
Derek: did u read the reply e-mail I sent?
Anon: um
Anon: lol i havent read anyof it
Anon: ring leader lol
Anon: how did i eascape blam
Derek: Shit.. I forgot about u
Anon: lol as if anyone gives a shit bout him being gay
Derek: LOL... well you're under "etc"
Derek: I know!!!
Derek: AHahAHahahaahHAhaah
Anon: oh i havent got any email from u im just reading the first one from chris
Derek: hmm.. try ur junk mail maybe.
Anon: k
Anon: did u read craig taylors email he has the best attitude top it all
Derek: YAH iknow
Derek: that was after my e-mail.
Anon: yeh well im about to look for urs
Anon: so hang on
Derek: :)
Anon: lol funny qoutes from me and sarah
Derek: in my e-mail?
Anon: lol thats a classic
Anon: yeh
Derek: I never remember what I write .. lol
Anon: its so funny i have mannaged to escape all the blam
Anon: and the way they are both covering it up lol
Derek: hahahhaha
Anon: any who its all over now so we are going to have to find something else fun to laugh at for a while
Derek: I know.. much what I was thinkiin.
Anon: lol
Anon: can we say matt and anita went to new zealand and got married?
Derek: hahahaahahah
Derek: dude.. do u mind if I use some of our conversation for my blog?
Anon: hmmm like which ones
Anon: what part ? that should be
Derek: the parts about the whole Chris N Shezz thing.
Anon: i supose
Derek: nice:)
Anon: give me the link whenn ur done
Derek: ok:)
Anon: thanks

If anyone views this and looks at any person in the conversations in a different way well then you obviously don't have a sense of humour and shouldn't have read this funny entry in the first place.

I think all the humour has been sqeezed out of this. Craig your e-mail about not being on the "gay" topic didn't really work for me. You should have started another topic; Chose a date/location for an after party for the formal or something.