Friday, April 08, 2005

USA (Santa Barbara)

Hey y'all!

I'm in the nicest house in the hills Santa Barbara. Facing the ocean and with a magnificent interior! I

t took us about 1-2 hours to drive here from our friends Penthouse in L.A. It's currently 12:58pm here but my blog will say this was posted around 5:58am because it's set to Australian time. Almost time for Merrick & Rosso. :( I haven't been able to find the frequency for KISS FM here yet, but I saw a billboard for Disney Radio so we listened to that for a bit. That's pretty much just the music that 2dayFM plays in Sydney. There's also JackFM which is a bit like MMM or JJJ.

There's a dog that lives at the house we're in and it's name is Jellybean. hehe. Anywho, I have to depart to the shops for now. I brought the incorrect Nokia charger with me because its an old one. So I'm going to go get one here. I haven't spent much money yet; just on food. Cheerio and until later on..

Take care Sydney. Peace.


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