Sunday, November 14, 2004

Warning! Xbox GEEKS about!

Man I didn't think they got this geeeeky in my region.. but boy do they get geeky here!

This morning I got home at the horrific hour of about 2am! I came on MSN (when am I not on MSN) and to my SHOCK and amazement Chris Lamb was online!! He's hardly ever online and when he is he normally doesn't say goodbye :(

Anywho, he detailed to me that he was playing Halo 2 and had a 52" Plasma set up next to his computer screen had had 3 subs and 15 speakers setup in his room. So I gathered he'd stolen or won the Xbox Halo 2 Holden SS Ute and put it in his room. He was just making stuff up though. Pretty funny.

Another suprising point it that Sheridan and his brother finished the game (on normal difficulty, or something) 2 days after it was released!!!! What are the Microsoft people doing? A game shouldn't be that easy on "easy"!!
And what on earth is Chris doing!?! Chris is the biggest Xbox (Chris likes to call it his "Sexbox" because he loves it) geek I know (maybe with the execption of Andrew Gaussen) and last night he said he was only on the last level!

This post is making me fall asleep, or maybe that's because I need more sleep..

I haven't dusted off my Xbox in a few months.

The Halo 2 Ute


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